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France launches its new plan of action against veterinary antimicrobial resistances

This plan represents the commitment of France for fighting antibiotic resistances in the sphere of animal health under the “One Health” approach.

28 April 2017

The Ministry of Agriculture of France has launched the new programme “Ecoantibio 2” for fighting antibiotic resistances under the “One Health” approach. Its aim is to keep, throughout time, the downward trend in the exposure of animals to antibiotics.

In the first 4 years of the plan (2012-2015), the exposure of animals to antibiotics dropped by 20%, whilst the exposure of animals to critical antibiotics fell by 21% in only 2 years (2014-2015). These results have been possible thanks to the commitment of all the parties concerned, especially farmers, veterinarians, agricultural organisations, health protection groups and public authorities.

The “Ecoantibio 2” plan, that will be carried out during the 2017-2021 period, is based on four items:

  • Develop measures for the prevention of infectious diseases and facilitate the use of alternative treatments.
  • Inform and train regarding the matters that have to do with the fight against antimicrobial resistance, the rational prescription of antibiotics, and other means for fighting infectious diseases.
  • Shared tools: make available mechanisms for the evaluation and follow-up of the use of antibiotics, as well as tools for prescribing and administering them responsibly.
  • Shared efforts: ensure a correct implementation of the good practices regulations at a national level and encourage their adoption at a European and international level.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017/ MAAF/ France.

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