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France detects Aujeszky's disease in dogs

By the end of 2013, Aujeszky's disease was confirmed in three hunting dogs in the area of Meuse, in the municipalities of Loisey and Sommedieue.

22 January 2014

According to the information published in several French media, by the end of 2103, Aujeszky's disease was confirmed in three hunting dogs in the area of Meuse, in the municipalities of Loisey and Sommedieue.

Hunting dogs are at a special risk of becoming contaminated, because this disease can be transmitted by bites, contact or the ingestion of pigs' or wild boars' offal or raw meat.

The prefecture of Meuse has established that any owner whose dog shows symptoms of this disease should contact their veterinary surgeon or the Social Cohesion and Population Protection Departmental Directorate.

January 2014/ SantéVet/ France.
Martes, 14 de enero de 2014/ L'Est Républicain/ Francia.

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