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Advances in the foot-and-mouth disease eradication process in the Andean region

Since the appearance of the foot-and-mouth disease in the Andean territory more than 50 years ago, outbreaks were detected every year. This tendency was broken in 2012, the first year without outbreaks.

23 April 2013

Since the appearance of the foot-and-mouth disease in the Andean territory more than 50 years ago, outbreaks were detected every year. This tendency was broken in 2012, the first year without outbreaks, according to data from the FAO.

Since 2011, the number of outbreaks in the Andean region has fallen considerably: there were only 5 outbreaks in Ecuador and 2 in Venezuela in 2011. According to the official reports given to the Animal Health World Organisation (OIE), in 2012 Peru completed 8 years (Colombia 4 years, and Bolivia 6 years) without the presence of the disease.

The absence of outbreaks in 2012 is especially important if it is compared with what happened in 2009 and 2010, when one of the highest epidemic stages was registered in the region.

These results are the product of the technical work by the Veterinarian Services of the countries of the Andean region, that have counted with the support of the FAO and other international organisations to strengthen the national eradication programs, improve the vaccination campaigns, the epidemiologic surveillance, and the appropriate and effective attention towards the outbreaks, along with a higher coordination of the regional management.

Thursday April 18, 2013/ FAO.

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