
FMD in Taiwan: movement restrictions lifted

Movement restrictions on the farm of origin of a pig with vesicular lesions found at the slaughterhouse in Tao Yuan County and on the farms in Penghu are lifted.

21 December 2011

In relation to the focus appeared on December 7, as part of the epidemiological investigation, the index slaughterhouse and those surrounding farms that keep cloven-hoofed animals (a total of 1 cattle farm, 3 goat farms and 5 pig farms within 3-km radius of the index slaughterhouse) have been under vigilant monitoring and no clinical or epidemiological evidence of infection has been found. The prefecture animal disease control competent authority traced back to the farm of origin. The clinical investigation showed that all pigs on farm were healthy. Negative results of NSP ELISA, RT-PCR and virus isolation conclude that this event is completely resolved. Movement restrictions on the farm of origin were lifted on 13 December 2011.

On the other hand, in relation to the last outbreak notified November 4, the prefecture animal disease control competent authority traced back to the farm of origin in Taiwan Island. The investigation showed that all pigs on origin farm were clinically healthy. Results of NSP ELISA, RT-PCR and virus isolation were all negative. The Penghu animal quarantine establishment and those surrounding farms that keep cloven-hoofed animals in Penghu (a total of one cattle/goat/deer farm, one goat/pig farm, 4 goat farms and 11 cattle farms within 3-km radius of the establishment) have been under vigilant monitoring and epidemiological investigation and no clinical or epidemiological evidence of infection has been found. Movement restriction on animal quarantine establishment was lifted on 14 December 2011.

Tuesday December 20, 2011/ OIE.

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