
European Union - European pig vets start new association - the EAPHM

European pig vets have decided to set up a new association, the European Association of Porcine Health Management (EAPHM).
3 June 2010
European pig vets have decided to set up a new association, the European Association of Porcine Health Management (EAPHM).

The objectives of the new association are primarily educational, to increase contact and interaction across an increasingly borderless Europe but also to represent its interests and views on increasingly important aspects of welfare, health and production that are on the horizon. The first president is John Mackinnon a swine specialist practitioner in the UK. He will be assisted on the board by representatives from Spain, Denmark, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Czech Republic. The plan is to launch the Association at the beginning of 2011 for members to join and hold their first congress in Helsinki, Finland in May 2011 followed by Ghent, Belgium in May 2012. John Mackinnon stated that ‘Europe produces over 250 million pigs and is the second biggest pig producing region after China. It is now time to come together to assist our industry to cope with the many changes coming, especially regarding welfare, as well as improving the health and efficiency of our producers.’

EAPHM-Press Release

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