
European Union - EFSA: Technical specifications for the monitoring and reporting of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) on animals and food

Based on the opinion of the scientific panel on Biological Hazards on the monitoring of VTEC and the identification of human pathogenic VTEC types (EFSA, 2007), harmonised technical specifications are proposed for the monitoring and reporting of VTEC in relevant animal populations and foodstuff categories.
16 November 2009
Based on the opinion of the scientific panel on Biological Hazards on the monitoring of VTEC and the identification of human pathogenic VTEC types (EFSA, 2007), harmonised technical specifications are proposed for the monitoring and reporting of VTEC in relevant animal populations and foodstuff categories.

These technical specifications, once implemented, would facilitate a better analysis of the situation at Member State and Community levels.


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