
European Union - EFSA and Japan sign a Memorandum of Cooperation

EFSA and the Food Safety Commission (FSC) of Japan have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on the collection and sharing of data required for the assessment of current and emerging risks.
10 December 2009
EFSA and the Food Safety Commission (FSC) of Japan have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on the collection and sharing of data required for the assessment of current and emerging risks.

As crops, animals and food products are transported around the globe, so can the risks associated with the food chain. Ensuring access to a larger pool of international data is one of the priorities of EFSA’s international strategy.

The memorandum signed with Japan is the second formal international cooperation agreement EFSA has signed with a national food safety authority outside the European Union. In 2007, EFSA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) signed a memorandum designed to facilitate sharing of confidential, scientific information.

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