
Europe harvest 12m tonnes down

This year's European Union cereals harvest was 277m tonnes, a 12m tonne decrease on last year, according to estimates by European farmers union Copa-Cogeca.
23 December 2010
Copa-Cogeca released final EU-27 cereal harvest figures for 2010/11 today, showing a sharp production drop compared to last year.

“Next year, the sowing area for EU cereals is expected to be stable compared to last year whilst for oilseeds it is forecast to decline. There is also still 1 million ha which are not in production and with an expected low carryover from this marketing year2010/2011, the stability of the next marketing year 2011/2012 will be challenged by the winter weather conditions.

This year's European Union cereals harvest was 277m tonnes, a 12m tonne decrease on last year.

Looking ahead to the 2011/2012 marketing year, it sees wheat production likely to increase by only one percent compared to 2010/2011. Cereal plantings overall will be only 0.3 percent higher.


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