
Croatia - Pork market brief

Croatia is a large pork importer. In 2010, pork imports reached $128 million (43,200 MT), mostly from the EU and Chile. Currently, the US is a minor supplier to the Croatian market. As an EU-candidate country, pork exports to Croatia must meet EU standards.
23 February 2011
Croatia is a large pork importer. In 2010, pork imports reached $128 million (43,200 MT), mostly from the EU and Chile. Currently, the US is a minor supplier to the Croatian market. As an EU-candidate country, pork exports to Croatia must meet EU standards.

Market Overview

In 2009, Croatia produced 159,745 MT of pork from domestic and imported pigs. Even so, pork is an important staple and Croatia is not self sufficient in pork but imports between 35,000 MT and 46,000 MT annually. In 2009, Croatia imported 46,024 MT of pork valued at $143 million.
Currently, Croatian pork producers are losing their competitiveness to imported pork due to high feed and fuel prices, especially small or indebted farmers.


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