
Croatia – Increase in number of pigs

Previous 2009 data, as compared to the final 2008 data, changed in the following way: In comparison to the previous year, the number of cattle decreased by 2%, the number of sheep by 4% and the number of goats by 10%, while the total number of pigs increased by 13% and of poultry by 7%.
18 February 2010
Previous 2009 data, as compared to the final 2008 data, changed in the following way: In comparison to the previous year, the number of cattle decreased by 2%, the number of sheep by 4% and the number of goats by 10%, while the total number of pigs increased by 13% and of poultry by 7%.

In line with the process of the harmonisation of statistical standards of the Republic of Croatia with the EU statistical standards, an additional first release on previous data on the number of livestock and poultry has been introduced since 2010. Having in mind that this release deals with the previous data, it might happen that, at the time when final data of the survey on the number of livestock and poultry are to be published, the data issued here could be changed.


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