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Colombia: the ICA qualifies the swine producers in terms of animal health

The ICA has trained the swine producers in the department of Risaralda on porcine epidemic diarrhoea.

8 May 2014

The Colombian Agriculture and Livestock Institute (ICA) has trained the swine producers in the department of Risaralda on porcine epidemic diarrhoea, which is currently affecting some swine farms in the departments of Huila and Cundinamarca.

There was information given on the signs of this disease in pigs and its transmission risk, so the swine producers keep a close eye on the possible presence of an outbreak. Additionally, a context was provided on the current situation of Classical swine fever in the country.

The ICA also recommended the pig producers to intensify the biosafety measures on the farms, to respect the rules relative to the entrance of animals, people or things, and to increase the cleaning of the vehicles used for the transportation of feed and animals.

Monday April 28, 2014/ ICA/ Colombia.

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