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Colombia reported new cases of CSF

The outbreaks have been detected in several backyard farms located in Santa Ana (Magdalena).

7 May 2014

The OIE has reported two new outbreaks of classical swine fever in Colombia.

The first outbreak is located in San Fernando (Santa Ana, Magdalena) with five backyard holdings located in the surroundings of the hamlet San Fernando. This is considered as an epidemiological unit regarding the type of holding and the management of animals in pasture. There are a total of 81 susceptible animals of which 53 cases.

The second outbreak is located in Jaraba (Santa Ana, Magdalena) with two backyard holdings located in the surroundings of the hamlet Jaraba. This is considered as an epidemiological unit regarding the production system and the management of animals in pasture. Vaccination was suspended on 1 June 2013 in this area. There are a total of 109 susceptible animals of which 50 cases.

CSF Colombia

As quarantine measures has been imposed restriction of movement within the country and vaccination in response to the outbreaks.

Monday April 28, 2014/ OIE.

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