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Chile and China signed an electronic certification protocol

The Chinese and the Chilean authorities have signed a joint work protocol for the implementation of the electronic certification of livestock products.

21 June 2013

In the frame of a public-private mission led by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Luis Mayol, in the People's Republic of China, the national authority signed, together with the Chinese Vice-minister of the General Administration for the Quarantine Supervision and Inspection (AQSIQ), a joint work protocol for the implementation of the electronic certification of livestock products between Chile and China.

The President of the Swine Producers' Association (Asprocer), Juan Miguel Ovalle, accompanied the Minister during this new visit to China and pointed out that "The electronic certification of the importations has an extreme importance for both countries, because it will allow to speed up the processes of entry of pig meat and to avoid frauds and adulterations of health certificates."

Monday June 10, 2013/ ASPROCER/Chile.

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