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Canada: Second case of PED in Alberta

A 600-head farrow-to-finish hog operation in Alberta has contracted the porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus.

6 March 2019

This is the second-ever reported case of PED in Alberta. The first case was reported in January 2019. Since then, provincial stakeholders have been monitoring the situation to determine a source for that outbreak, but none has been found. At this time, it is uncertain whether the first and second reported cases of PED are linked in any way.

Strict biosecurity protocols are of utmost importance in limiting the impact of disease in agriculture. It is especially critical during this outbreak that producers consider enhancing biosecurity on-farm and in animal transportation. Producers are encouraged to submit all swine manifests, including farm-to-farm movements, in a timely manner.

Thursday February 21, 2019/ Alberta Pork/ Canada.

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