
Canada - Hog farms continued to decline in 2009

At January 1, Canadian hog producers had an estimated 11.6 million hogs on their farms, down 4.5% from January 2009. Since January 2009 there has been a 4.3% decrease in the breeding herd, mainly sows and gilts. The inventory of sows is estimated at 1.3 million head.
17 February 2010
At January 1, Canadian hog producers had an estimated 11.6 million hogs on their farms, down 4.5% from January 2009. Since January 2009 there has been a 4.3% decrease in the breeding herd, mainly sows and gilts. The inventory of sows is estimated at 1.3 million head.

During 2009, total hog exports amounted to 6.4 million head, down 31.9% from 2008.

Slaughter levels in Canada have been increasing since 2007, but are still below the peak of 22.9 million head reached in 2004. In 2009, slaughter reached 21.8 million head.


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