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Brazil: new inspection model in pork producing establishments

The goal of the change in the inspection model is related to the demand to preserve public health and the quality of the meat produced in Brazil.

14 March 2018

The Minister of Agriculture, Mr Blairo Maggi, together with members of the Department of Inspection of Animal Products (DIPOA), pertaining to the Ministry, and researchers of the EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) Pigs and Fowl, visited the pigs and fowl abattoir at the plant that the meat company BRF has in Concordia (Santa Catarina), where pilot tests are being carried out regarding the new inspection model that identifies possible contamination hazards by microorganisms that affect pork. The control is carried out during the ante- and post-mortem stages.

As of this month, tests will also start in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Paraná. In order for the procedures to become institutionalised by the MAPA, the validation must be carried out through pilot tests. The work at Concordia is coordinated by the EMBRAPA pigs and fowl and the MAPA’S DIPOA (Animal Products Inspection Department), with the collaboration of specialists from several universities.

The goal of the change in the inspection model is related to the demand to preserve public health and the quality of the meat produced in Brazil, detecting the possible hazards at the slaughter line.

Friday, March 9th, 2018/ MAPA/ Brazil.

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