
Austria - Number of pigs stable

For the reference date 1 December 2010, Statistics Austria reports a total number of 3.134.000 pigs (-0,1% compared to 2009). A marginal increase was observed within the number of piglets and young pigs (+0.3% to 1 604 000 animals). The number of pigs for fattening purposes increased during the same period by 0.1% to 1 245 000 head while the number of pigs for breeding decreased by 3.1% to 285 000 animals.
28 February 2011
For the reference date 1 December 2010, Statistics Austria reports a total number of 3.134.000 pigs (-0,1% compared to 2009). A marginal increase was observed within the number of piglets and young pigs (+0.3% to 1 604 000 animals). The number of pigs for fattening purposes increased during the same period by 0.1% to 1 245 000 head while the number of pigs for breeding decreased by 3.1% to 285 000 animals.

The category of piglets – having a smaller weight than 20 kg – increased by 0.6% to 765 000 head, whereas the category of young pigs – having a weight smaller than 50 kg – remained almost at the same level as 2009 (840 000 head). At the same time the category of pigs for fattening – having a weight from 50 to below 80 kg – showed an increase of 2.0% to 637 000 head.

Within the group of pigs for breeding the number of old breeding sows (-2.4% to 227 000 animals) declined and determined the trend of the whole group. The most significant reduction was observed in the group of young breeding sows; they dropped by 9.6% to 51 600 head.
Compared with the last survey in December 2009, the number of sheep increased by 4.0% to 358 000 head and the number of goats showed an increase of 5.3% to 71 800 head.


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