
Australia - New $5m five-year FMD preparedness program

Australia’s livestock industries and the Federal Government are investing in a new five-year $5 million research program to address vulnerabilities in Australia’s readiness to control Foot and Mouth Disease.
16 April 2010
Australia’s livestock industries and the Federal Government are investing in a new five-year $5 million research program to address vulnerabilities in Australia’s readiness to control Foot and Mouth Disease.

The beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goat and pig industries and MLA’s Donor Company are investing $2m in funding over the first two years of the program which will be managed by Animal Health Australia with the research carried out by CSIRO scientists from the Australian Animal Health Laboratory.

Australia’s governments and livestock industries made a significant investment in an FMD vaccine bank five years ago, which provides Australia with guaranteed access to vaccine.

This has been recently renewed for another five years.


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