
Argentina – Corn harvest to reach 26 million tons

The Argentine Sub-secretary of Agriculture made public the estimated corn harvest and commented that all the conditions have come together to ensure the next harvest reaches 26 million tons, a record figure keeping in mind the surface sowed and the average yield. This harvest will be 15.5% higher than that of the 2009/10 campaign, which came in at 22.5 million tons.
29 October 2010
The Argentine Sub-secretary of Agriculture made public the estimated corn harvest and commented that all the conditions have come together to ensure the next harvest reaches 26 million tons, a record figure keeping in mind the surface sowed and the average yield. This harvest will be 15.5% higher than that of the 2009/10 campaign, which came in at 22.5 million tons.

The Sub-secretary also stated that, given that internal consumption is situated at 8 million tons, 18 million tons will be available for export.


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