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Topigs Norsvin records strong growth in turnover

Investments in innovation boost turnover to new record.

29 April 2020

Topigs Norsvin’s turnover grew in 2019 by 21% to 165 million euros. The operating profit increased by 64%, in the same period, to more than 11 million euros. With these figures, Topigs Norsvin once again performed well above the budget.

Mark Tijssen, chair of the Supervisory Board of Topigs Norsvin, stated he was proud of the results achieved. “The best result ever. It proves that our strategy works and that investments in innovation and product development are bearing fruit. Topigs Norsvin is a very strong and healthy organization with an outstanding solvency and liquidity. A superb basis for further growth.”

Topigs Norsvin continues to invest worldwide in genetic progress, distribution, and technical support. For 2020, the Research & Development budget has once again been increased. The major investments of recent years in IT, field research, and meat quality also contribute to the acceleration in genetic progress and improving the result for our clients. An example is Total Feed Efficiency that has been an essential element in the Topigs Norsvin breeding program. Over the last 5 years, this strategy has resulted in over 25 kg (55 lb) less feed consumed per marketed finisher.

Villaume Kal, the new CEO of Topigs Norsvin, about the result achieved: “Decisions and investments from the past have ensured a good return. Worldwide, our market share continues to increase. This trend is also continuing in 2020. Of course, the current COVID-19 crisis poses challenges for everybody, but in the long history of Topigs Norsvin we have faced major challenges before. We are resilient, are there for our clients, and believe in the strength of the sector. Together, we will all emerge stronger from the current crisis.”

April 28, 2020 - Topigs Norsvin

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