
Thompson’s tip: Hot weather check-ups

Following the recent hot weather, growth rates among growing and finishing pigs can be expected to slow. So stocking densities need particularly attention, says Paul Thompson, veterinary consultant to pig-breeding company, ACMC Ltd.

10 July 2009

Following the recent hot weather, growth rates among growing and finishing pigs can be expected to slow. So stocking densities need particularly attention, says Paul Thompson, veterinary consultant to pig-breeding company, ACMC Ltd.

Groups of pigs should be split sooner in warm weather and the pens run at lower stocking rates than in winter. Water flow-rates should also be checked as pigs will drink more.

He advises producers to ensure that all fans are clean and that fan housings are unobstructed for maximum efficiency and that no vents have been left inadvertently blocked.

Slurry levels should not be allowed to rise close to the slats to minimise gas built-up at pig level and to allow some ventilation under the slats.


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