
Third TOPIGS import into China in three months

TOPIGS has imported 550 more top breeding pigs into China. This is the third import in three months.

10 February 2012

TOPIGSTOPIGS has imported 550 more top breeding pigs into China. This is the third import in three months. The pigs were imported from the TOPIGS high health SPF nucleus farms in Canada and were delivered to a feed company in Shanghai that has built a brand new breeding farm. These imported breeding pigs will become the top of an integrated pork production pyramid.

TOPIGS is continuing to build up its presence in China, the world’s biggest market for breeding pigs. This third successful import in a row means that a total of 2050 TOPIGS breeding animals have been imported in three months. The imported pigs came from SPF nucleus breeding farms in Europe and Canada and will provide China’s fast-growing professional pig industry with the genetics it needs to realise high-level production.

Third TOPIGS import into China in three months

With a production of 1,100,000 crossbred gilts and 7 million doses of semen per year Dutch based TOPIGS is one of the biggest genetics suppliers in the world. In several countries, TOPIGS is either the market leader or one of the major suppliers. TOPIGS stands for progress in pigs. This means research, innovation and genetic improvement are the cornerstones of our company. By continuously improving our products, we enable our clients to achieve maximum results.

February 10, 2012 - TOPIGS

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