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New Livisto launch: SEDIRON (Azaperone)

LIVISTO has just launched in Germany, Spain and Poland SEDIRON, an injectable azaperone for pigs that acts as a sedative.

29 November 2021

SEDIRON is a neuroleptic sedative with a wide variety of indications (anti-aggressiveness, stress, obstetrics, sedation and anaesthesia). With the administration of SEDIRON the veterinarian will be able to reduce the stress generated in field conditions due to regrouping of animals, transport, aggressive behaviour, etc. Avoiding the negative consequences of stress results in improved animal welfare. SEDIRON can also be used as a premedication in local or general anaesthesia.

This new launch allows us to expand our product portfolio in pigs, offering solutions for the improvement of animal health and positions LIVISTO as a relevant partner for pig veterinarians.

November 29, 2021 - Livisto

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