
AASV Installs 2021 Officers

Dr Mary Battrell was installed as president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians during the association’s 52nd Annual Meeting.

Dr. Mary Battrell
Dr. Mary Battrell
3 March 2021

Dr Mary Battrell was installed as president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians on March 2, 2021, during the association’s 52nd Annual Meeting, held virtually. She succeeds Dr Jeffrey Harker, who is now immediate past president. Dr Michael Senn has ascended to president-elect. The newly elected vice president is Dr William Hollis.

AASV President Dr Mary Battrell (ISU ’95) was born and raised on a diversified crop and livestock family farm in Albany, Ohio. She earned a BS from The Ohio State University, an MS from the University of Tennessee, and her DVM and an additional MS from Iowa State University in 1995. She began her veterinary career in North Carolina working for Dr Fred Cunningham, followed by Brown’s of Carolina, and then Pharmacia as a technical services veterinarian. Since 2000, Dr Battrell has worked for Smithfield Hog Production, where she is currently the staff veterinarian for Smithfield Hog Production’s Central Region and is responsible for the health and well-being of 92,000 sows farrow-to-finish. She has been actively involved in the development of the Smithfield Animal Care Program and their contingency plan for a foreign animal disease. Dr Battrell has served on the AASV Pig Welfare and Pharmaceutical Issues Committees and was the 2018 recipient of the AASV Swine Practitioner of the Year Award.

When asked to comment on her thoughts about the future of AASV and her tenure as president, Dr Battrell said, “The AASV has a wonderful future. Each member has a voice and is truly empowered to direct the association’s focus in our efforts to serve the pigs in our care and support those who produce them. In a year full of doubt and fear, it is great to know we have each other and the AASV creates the perfect opportunity for us to connect, learn, and grow. I am so very honored that you entrusted me to be this year’s president and look forward to the association’s continued success.”

AASV President-elect Dr Michael Senn (KSU ’91) was involved inDr. Mike Senn agriculture as a youth and raised on a diversified livestock and crop farm in Kansas, where he continues as the 4th generation to operate the farm. Dr Senn credits his participation in 4-H and FFA as a youth with his passion for volunteerism and leadership. He has served AASV with two terms on the Board of Directors, as a committee member, as chair of the Foreign Animal Disease Committee (now Committee on Transboundary and Emerging Diseases), and as a student presentation judge. During his nearly 20-year career as a technical services veterinarian, he provided technical support for products and focused on clinical research, antimicrobial resistance monitoring, antibiotic regulatory issues, and emerging infectious disease surveillance. He continues to work as an independent consultant.

Dr. Bill HollisAASV Vice President Dr William Hollis was born in Bushnell, Illinois, where he attended high school. During 1986-1987, Dr Hollis served as the Illinois FFA president, and the National FFA Vice President during 1988. He received a Bachelor of Science in agriculture and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1996) from the University of Illinois. Dr Hollis is currently a partner and veterinarian of Carthage Veterinary Service (CVS), which consults in over 10 US states and provides consulting services in several other countries. Dr Hollis was named the AASV Swine Practitioner of the Year in 2019. He is a Pork Quality Assurance Plus Advisor, served on the National Pork Producers Council Animal Health Food Security Policy Committee, and served on the National Pork Board Swine Health Committee. He has served on the American Veterinary Medical Association House of Delegates representing AASV, on the AASV Board of Directors representing District 5. Dr Hollis is an active participant in the National Pork Board Operation Main Street program giving local presentations to raise awareness about modern pork production.

AASV Past President Dr Jeffrey Harker (Purdue ’94) grew up on aDr. Jeff Harker diversified livestock and grain farm near Waldron, Indiana. Active in 4-H and FFA as a youth, he received his FFA American Farmer degree in 1989. Since graduation from veterinary school, Dr Harker has worked exclusively in swine practice. He first joined Dr Max Rodibaugh at Swine Health Services as an associate veterinarian and then became a partner in 2001. Their practice (now AMVC Swine Health Services) is dedicated to swine and serves a very diverse swine clientele ranging from small show pig herds to contract growers in integrated production. Dr Harker has served on the AASV Board of Directors, has represented AASV in the American Veterinary Medical Association House of Delegates, has served on the AASV Annual Meeting Planning Committee, and was the Indiana Pork Producers Association president. Dr Harker has also been involved with the National Pork Board Operation Main Street program since it began. Dr Harker was the 2017 recipient of the AASV Meritorious Service Award.

March 2, 2021 - AASV

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