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333 visits Yangxiang with José Manuel Sánchez Vizcaíno

Yangxiang, one of the top 10 pork producers in China, is making a great effort to control and contain ASF in the country.

15 July 2019

Last week 333, represented by Javier Lorente, traveled with professor Manuel Sánchez Vizcaíno to southern China- specifically to the Guigang region in the state of Guangxi - to the main offices of the company, Yangxiang Co., Ltd. The company established its agricultural roots in 1987 and later entered into feed manufacturing and hog production in 1998.

The technical and directive teams participated in technical conferences along with professor Vizcaíno

The technical and directive teams participated in technical conferences along with professor Vizcaíno

The company has since grown exponentially, always operating under the highest standards of technological innovation. Today they have reached 130,000 sows in production putting them in the rankings of the Top 10 producers in China. It is the first company in the region and it continues to grow with short-term and mid-term projects.

Intense work days during the four day-visit.

Intense work days during the four day-visit.

In its effort to continue to grow and innovate despite the sensitive situation with the bout of ASF the county is facing, Yangxiang has called upon the best professionals in the world, including the top global expert in African swine fever who traveled there to help the country in its fight to prevent and control the disease. 333 traveled with the professor where the work to be done in this intense, four-day trip was split into the following objectives.

  1. Better understand the global situation of ASF, its mechanisms, and transmission routes, along with its symptoms and diagnostics.
  2. Learn from Spain's experience and from the professor about the control and possible eradication of the desease.
  3. Help the company improve its diagnostic systems and laboratory management, making the most of Manuel Sánchez Vizcaíno's team and their latest generation laboratories.
  4. Review all of the company's biosecurity protocols and pinpoint areas to improve as well as work on contingency plans if the disease were to break.

During this visit we had the opportunity to see how the company works intensively to daily improve biosecurity throughout its infastructure, focusing on its seven and nine floor farms that we visited. We will talk about these farms in greater detail next.

Visiting the company's multiple-floor farms

Visiting the company's multiple-floor farms

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