
USA - Vilsack names food safety advisor

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced seven new staff position appointments, with titles such as senior advisors, confidential assistant or special assistant in the areas of rural development, natural resources and environment, marketing and regulatory programs and food safety. Dr. Adela Ramos was named senior advisor for food safety.
28 July 2009
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced seven new staff position appointments, with titles such as senior advisors, confidential assistant or special assistant in the areas of rural development, natural resources and environment, marketing and regulatory programs and food safety.

Dr. Adela Ramos was named senior advisor for food safety.
Joe Barbiero as confidential assistant for natural resources and environment
Jason Weller as confidential assistant for natural resources and environment
Sara Eckhouse as confidential assistant for marketing and regulatory programs
Yeshimebet Abebe as special assistant, rural utilities
John Padalino as special assistant, rural utilities and
Lisa Zaina as chief of staff, rural utilities.


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