
USA - USTR announces revised Trade Action in beef hormones dispute

U.S. Trade Representative Susan C. Schwab announced today that USTR is modifying the list of EU products subject to additional duties in connection with World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement rulings in the EU – Beef Hormones dispute. The modifications, which also help respond to a court-ordered review, make additions to and deletions from the list of the products subject to additional duties, change the EU member States whose products are subject to the duties, and for one product, increase the level of the additional duties.
26 January 2009
U.S. Trade Representative Susan C. Schwab announced today that USTR is modifying the list of EU products subject to additional duties in connection with World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement rulings in the EU – Beef Hormones dispute. The modifications, which also help respond to a court-ordered review, make additions to and deletions from the list of the products subject to additional duties, change the EU member States whose products are subject to the duties, and for one product, increase the level of the additional duties.


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