
USA - USMEF: meat combo packaging issue shows progress, but work continues

Large quantities of U.S. pork and some U.S. beef are shipped to Mexico in large combo containers, which have proven to be an efficient and effective packaging method. In December, however, Mexico announced its intention to ban all incoming meat shipments in combo containers effective January 15. Mexico later revised this policy change by only prohibiting the use of combo containers for frozen meat. Fresh and chilled meats shipped in combo containers are still being accepted in Mexico, but these shipments are scheduled to undergo a change in inspection procedures on April 20. Under the proposed change, products from the top, bottom and middle of each combo bin would require inspection. According to Chad Russell, USMEF regional director for Mexico and the Dominican Republic, this type of inspection creates significant obstacles because of the time and resources required, and the potential for damaging the product.
14 April 2009
Large quantities of U.S. pork and some U.S. beef are shipped to Mexico in large combo containers, which have proven to be an efficient and effective packaging method. In December, however, Mexico announced its intention to ban all incoming meat shipments in combo containers effective January 15. Mexico later revised this policy change by only prohibiting the use of combo containers for frozen meat. Fresh and chilled meats shipped in combo containers are still being accepted in Mexico, but these shipments are scheduled to undergo a change in inspection procedures on April 20.

Under the proposed change, products from the top, bottom and middle of each combo bin would require inspection. According to Chad Russell, USMEF regional director for Mexico and the Dominican Republic, this type of inspection creates significant obstacles because of the time and resources required, and the potential for damaging the product.


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