
USA - USDA report “Agricultural Projections to 2020”

USDA report “Agricultural Projections to 2020” projects, that the price pressure on the livestock sector will lead to declines in production for both the red meat and poultry through 2012.
25 February 2011
USDA report “Agricultural Projections to 2020” projects, that the price pressure on the livestock sector will lead to declines in production for both the red meat and poultry through 2012.

This price pressure, combined with increasing meat and poultry exports, will result in declining domestic consumption of meat and poultry though 2013, the report noted.

Reduced returns on pork in 2011 will trigger reduced production in 2012, although production is forecast to increase later in the decade. Pork production increases will be supported by gains in breeding, herd productivity and increased slaughter weights.


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