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USA: Trump withdraws from TTP trade deal

The trade deal, which covered 40% of the world's economy.

24 January 2017

President Trump signed an executive order to pull out from the 12-nation trade deal that had been a linchpin of former President Barack Obama's Asia policy.

Mr Trump's executive order on TPP was largely symbolic since the deal has not been ratified by a divided US Congress.

During his presidential campaign, he criticised the accord as a "potential disaster for our country", arguing it harmed US manufacturing.


The trade deal, which covered 40% of the world's economy, was negotiated in 2015 by nations including the US, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Mexico. TPP's stated aim was to strengthen economic ties and boost growth, including by reducing tariffs. It included measures to enforce labour and environmental standards, copyrights, patents and other legal protections




Monday January 23, 2017/ BBC.

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