
USA - Progress made on Russia’s influenza bans, but plant delistings still limit

United States trade officials have gained substantial ground in recent days to reduce the number of states suspended from exporting pork to Russia due to A-H1N1 influenza. But even when the influenza-related suspensions are fully removed, the U.S. must still resolve the issue of having more than 30 pork plants delisted by Russia for other reasons – a problem that has severely limited the flow of exports over the past several months.
13 July 2009
United States trade officials have gained substantial ground in recent days to reduce the number of states suspended from exporting pork to Russia due to A-H1N1 influenza. But even when the influenza-related suspensions are fully removed, the U.S. must still resolve the issue of having more than 30 pork plants delisted by Russia for other reasons – a problem that has severely limited the flow of exports over the past several months.


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