
USA - Obama budget challenges Congress on farm payments

President Barack Obama continued his quest to phase out direct payments to farmers who have sales revenues of more than $500,000 in the fiscal 2010 budget plan he released Thursday.
8 May 2009
President Barack Obama continued his quest to phase out direct payments to farmers who have sales revenues of more than $500,000 in the fiscal 2010 budget plan he released Thursday.

Obama's budget plan, unveiled May 7, explains that about 9.1% of farms collecting government payments have sales of $500,000 or more, and "they collect 36.6% of all government payments (including conservation payments)." Not all of these farms would lose their direct payments under the Administration's plan. "The proposal is targeted to the farmer, not the farm, and many of these farms have more than one person farming the land," according to the budget plan.


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