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Updates on ASF in Italy

The total number of African swine fever cases rises to 46, all in the area declared an "infected zone"

4 March 2022

The Izsplv (Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute) has updated the map of the "infected" area indicating the latest data on positive cases from December 27, 2021 to February 27, 2022.

In the map, colored dots show the location of animals found positive for African swine fever. There are 46 positives, four more than in the previous update: 25 findings in Piedmont, 21 in Liguria.

The new positive cases were found in Piedmont in the province of Alessandria at Arquata Scrivia, Lerma, and Castelletto d'Orba; in Liguria in the province of Genoa at Ronco Scrivia.

In the four municipalities where the carcasses were found, other cases had already been reported.

Map of ASF outbreaks

Map of ASF outbreaks

February 27, 2022/ Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute/ Italy.

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