
United Kingdom - Pig survey results: december 2008

English sow numbers declined by eight per cent in the year to June 2008. Between the middle of 2008 and the end of the year, feed prices moved lower. As a result, estimated net margins moved from negative to positive (albeit a small positive) in the autumn. Producers have appeared to respond to the margin improvements more rapidly than expected The English breeding herd in December was 8,000 head higher then in June, although still 6,000 (1.6%) lower than in December 2007.
2 March 2009
English sow numbers declined by eight per cent in the year to June 2008. Between the middle of 2008 and the end of the year, feed prices moved lower. As a result, estimated net margins moved from negative to positive (albeit a small positive) in the autumn. Producers have appeared to respond to the margin improvements more rapidly than expected The
English breeding herd in December was 8,000 head higher then in June, although still 6,000 (1.6%) lower than in December 2007.


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