
United Kingdom - Minister joins IPPC battle in Brussels

In an unprecedented move, Defra farms minster Jane Kennedy will travel to Brussels with NFU and NPA to lobby MEPs ahead of a critical vote in the European Parliament on IPPC. It is feared the changes will impact on more pig and poultry farms, farms with feed mills, and the glasshouse sector. Existing IPPC pig and poultry farmers will also be burdened with further controls and more administrative red-tape.
4 March 2009
In an unprecedented move, Defra farms minster Jane Kennedy will travel to Brussels with NFU and NPA to lobby MEPs ahead of a critical vote in the European Parliament on IPPC.

It is feared the changes will impact on more pig and poultry farms, farms with feed mills, and the glasshouse sector. Existing IPPC pig and poultry farmers will also be burdened with further controls and more administrative red-tape.


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