
United Kingdom - Farmers urged to check livestock insurance

Farmers are being advised to make sure their insurance is up to scratch, following a spate of live animal thefts in the wake of rising meat prices. In the past month, 500 pigs were taken by rustlers from a farm in Staffordshire, 80 lambs and ewes were reported missing from Bridgewater, Somerset, and 20 sheep about to lamb disappeared from a field near Ulveston, Cumbria.
9 April 2009
Farmers are being advised to make sure their insurance is up to scratch, following a spate of live animal thefts in the wake of rising meat prices.

In the past month, 500 pigs were taken by rustlers from a farm in Staffordshire, 80 lambs and ewes were reported missing from Bridgewater, Somerset, and 20 sheep about to lamb disappeared from a field near Ulveston, Cumbria.

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