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United Kingdom: BPEX Pig Health Scheme to stay until 2015

It has been confirmed that the BPEX Pig Health Scheme (BPHS) will be operating in abattoirs until summer 2015.

24 September 2014

It has been confirmed that the BPEX Pig Health Scheme (BPHS) will be operating in abattoirs until summer 2015.
However, the review of the carcase data reporting system is ongoing and work is progressing on a transition to an alternative system.

In order to appreciate the implications of these changes and to get an understanding of how the BPHS and CCIR systems are perceived and, more importantly, how CCIR could be improved, BPEX hosted a survey.

Results highlighted that there are some areas of work required on the current CCIR scheme.

Monday, 22 September 2014/ BPEX/ United Kingdom.

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