
United Kingdom – Government not to go ahead with the VMD plan

Government has decided not to go ahead with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate's plan to outlaw advertising of antimicrobials to pig producers and other professional livestock keepers. In light of the comments received Ministers have decided not to proceed with this proposal at this time.
3 January 2011
Government has decided not to go ahead with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate's plan to outlaw advertising of antimicrobials to pig producers and other professional livestock keepers. In light of the comments received Ministers have decided not to proceed with this proposal at this time.

This was a controversial proposal which raised a strong response, in particular from the agricultural press and the farming community. 42 responses were received regarding this proposal.

33 consultees objected to the proposal. The agricultural press ran a campaign against the proposal and indicated that this change to the VMR would lead to a loss of revenue and consequent reduction of information passed to the farming industry. Farmers and farming organisations, individual veterinary surgeons and the pharmaceutical industry considered that the change would have a negative #303209 2
effect on farmers’ ability to maintain their knowledge and awareness of animal health and welfare issues.

9 consultees supported or partially supported the proposal. Support came from the Soil Association and various veterinary and pharmacy associations. Overall, these consultees considered that a ban on advertising of antimicrobials to farmers would be beneficial and would reduce the pressure on veterinary surgeons to prescribe antimicrobials unnecessarily.


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