
United Kimgdom - Welsh pigs’ breed society turnaround

In a major turnaround from nearly going extinct a few years ago, Welsh pigs are set to have their own breed society and a Government-backed scheme aimed at commercial producers and increasing breeding sows from 400 to 2,000.
25 May 2009
In a major turnaround from nearly going extinct a few years ago, Welsh pigs are set to have their own breed society and a Government-backed scheme aimed at commercial producers and increasing breeding sows from 400 to 2,000.

Helen Tongue, direction of the new Pedigree Welsh Pig Society, says: “It is not about people keeping a few pigs in the backyard. We are looking at herds of 50 and 100. We want farmers not only rearing Welsh lamb and beef, but putting Welsh pigs in their empty buildings.”

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