
Thailand - Nod for project to enhance pig production efficiency

The Thai government’s committee for agricultural restructuring fund has approved a budget of THB 29.9 million (USD 829,093) for a project aimed at enhancing swine production efficiency and adding value to the animal. Of the amount, THB 25.12 million (USD 696,549) will be interest-free loans for farmers or farmer institutes to investment in facilities such as pig feed mill, competent farming system and technology or good-quality piglet production, while the rest would be for training and developing farmers’ ability and knowledge.
18 March 2009
The Thai government’s committee for agricultural restructuring fund has approved a budget of THB 29.9 million (USD 829,093) for a project aimed at enhancing swine production efficiency and adding value to the animal. Of the amount, THB 25.12 million (USD 696,549) will be interest-free loans for farmers or farmer institutes to investment in facilities such as pig feed mill, competent farming system and technology or good-quality piglet production, while the rest would be for training and developing farmers’ ability and knowledge.


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