
Thailand - Food export projection goes from bad to worse

The private sector anticipates food exports will drop this year by 15% from last year's 778 billion baht. The National Food Institute (NFI), the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Thai Industries project Thai food shipments of 661.2 billion baht this year due to the global crisis. The groups projected commodity exports worth 156.4 billion baht, down by 31.4%, semi-processed foods 137.6 billion (-16.9%), beverages 12.1 billion (-15.2%), animal food 38.46 billion (-11.8%) and processed food 316.58 billion baht (-3%).
13 March 2009
The private sector anticipates food exports will drop this year by 15% from last year's 778 billion baht. The National Food Institute (NFI), the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Thai Industries project Thai food shipments of 661.2 billion baht this year due to the global crisis.

The groups projected commodity exports worth 156.4 billion baht, down by 31.4%, semi-processed foods 137.6 billion (-16.9%), beverages 12.1 billion (-15.2%), animal food 38.46 billion (-11.8%) and processed food 316.58 billion baht (-3%).


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