
Taiwan - Closing of over 4,000 pig farms reduced water pollution

According to EPA reports, the overall ammonia nitrogen tested at Kaoping river, a major water source of the island, decreased by 0.2 cc/liter in the past eight years, a significant number when considering the volume of the body of water. The EPA also succeeded in closing over 4,000 pig farms near the five major rivers of Taiwan over the past eight years, said Chang Ting-jing, director of the Bureau of Environmental Inspection of the EPA.
13 March 2009
According to EPA reports, the overall ammonia nitrogen tested at Kaoping river, a major water source of the island, decreased by 0.2 cc/liter in the past eight years, a significant number when considering the volume of the body of water.

The EPA also succeeded in closing over 4,000 pig farms near the five major rivers of Taiwan over the past eight years, said Chang Ting-jing, director of the Bureau of Environmental Inspection of the EPA.


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