
Switzerland sets up Castration Fund

Castration without anaesthesia will be banned in Switzerland from January 2010. Of the three possible alternatives finally the most accepted was castration under narcosis by inhalation. For Swiss swine producers this obligation involves considerable costs since it is necessary to acquire the anaesthesia apparatus, and it is because of this that the “Castration Fund” will begin from July 6 through agreement between users, producers and commerce, for an initial financing for a limited period of 15 months.
3 July 2009
Castration without anaesthesia will be banned in Switzerland from January 2010.

Of the three possible alternatives finally the most accepted was castration under narcosis by inhalation. For Swiss swine producers this obligation involves considerable costs since it is necessary to acquire the anaesthesia apparatus, and it is because of this that the “Castration Fund” will begin from July 6 through agreement between users, producers and commerce, for an initial financing for a limited period of 15 months.


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