
Spain – Exports of pig meat and meat based products make up the main part of the foreign meat trade

According to figures published by Estacom, between January and April 2009, the Spanish exports of meat and meat products increased by 2.4%, reaching a total value of 916.53 million euros. The sector shows a positive balance of trade of 526 million euros with a coverage rate of 235%. Despite this increase the only positive movement during these three months was for pig meat which increased by 13.6% up to 509.7 million euros and for the sale of meat based products.
13 July 2009
According to figures published by Estacom, between January and April 2009, the Spanish exports of meat and meat products increased by 2.4%, reaching a total value of 916.53 million euros. The sector shows a positive balance of trade of 526 million euros with a coverage rate of 235%. Despite this increase the only positive movement during these three months was for pig meat which increased by 13.6% up to 509.7 million euros and for the sale of meat based products.


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