
South Korea - Pork belly price stymies purchases

As the price of pork rises, Koreans are giving up their beloved pork belly to seek alternative cuts and sources of protein.
12 April 2011
As the price of pork rises, Koreans are giving up their beloved pork belly to seek alternative cuts and sources of protein.

Koreans’ preference for pork belly, as opposed to any other cut of pork, is legendary with it being a staple at restaurants as well as in homes. According to the latest numbers from the Korea Swine Association, pork belly accounts for 48 percent of all store-bought pork in Korea.

But even Korean consumers cannot stand by pork belly in the face of skyrocketing prices. The price of pork belly in Seoul, which sold for 8,400 won ($7.47) per 500 grams at the end of last year, rose 65 percent in less than three months to 13,900 won as of March 16, according to the Korea Price Research Center.

This has caused a shift in pork purchasing patterns.


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