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Russia: pork imports were down 40%

The new figures show that, while Russia imported 542,800 tonnes of pork between January and November 2013, for the same period in 2014 this dropped by over 200,000 tonnes.

29 January 2015

According to BPEX, new Russian trade figures show that pork imports were down 40% last year due to restrictions affecting the EU, Canada and the US. Prices have risen dramatically as a result.

Russian trade data has recently become available for the first time since April. The new figures show that, while Russia imported 542,800 tonnes of pork between January and November 2013, for the same period in 2014 this dropped by over 200,000 tonnes, or nearly 40%, to 329,800 tonnes. This decrease has been stepped, due to successive trade restrictions based on product safety and international politics.


Tuesday January 27, 2015/ BPEX/ United Kingdom.

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