
Poland - Processed meat to dominate Poland’s food processing sector

Meat processing has emerged as the most integral segment of the food processing industry of Poland. Meat and meat products have continued to account for more than 20% of the overall revenue of the food processing industry.
1 June 2009
Meat processing has emerged as the most integral segment of the food processing industry of Poland. Meat and meat products have continued to account for more than 20% of the overall revenue of the food processing industry.

In 2008, pork production declined by 10%, and poultry production grew by 6% as consumer preference for poultry product grew as compared to pork products. It is expected that in 2009, pork production will record a further decline of 3-5%. The ongoing swine flu will also turn down the demand for pork products that are expected to see a drastic decline in the first half of 2009.


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