
Philippines - Agency seeks additional funds to finance upgrade of 12 slaughterhouses next year

The National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) is eyeing to upgrade 12 slaughterhouse facilities in the country.
25 October 2010
The National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) is eyeing to upgrade 12 slaughterhouse facilities in the country.

Mr. Bacayo told reporters during 38th NMIS Anniversary Celebration that his agency has asked the Department of Agriculture for P24 million to be used for the upgrade of slaughterhouse facilities to be implemented next year.

Mr. Bacayo said that his agency has yet to identify the target 12 slaughterhouse facilities, but stressed that this will be in "strategic locations," in which livestock population are high.
There are more than 1,150 slaughterhouses in the country, Mr. Bacayo said, adding that his agency has always worked for upgrading these existing facilities.

For the 12 slaughterhouse facilities eyed to be upgraded, Mr. Bacayo said that the upgrade will be implemented for the whole of 2011.


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