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New roadmap for the French Interprofessional Pork Council (INAPORC)

The exit of the FICT and the decrease in pork consumption poses new challenges for INAPORC.

11 January 2017

Last December, the French Interprofessional Pork Council (INAPORC) held a seminar to reflect on the future of the organisation. The exit, some months ago, of the FICT (association of French pork butchers), entailed a drastic drop in the budget. Also, the FICT represents 70% of the pork market in France, and its absence calls into question the future of INAPORC.

During the seminar, Mr. Thierry Meyer, from Culture Viande, presented his proposals to identify new goals, such as the implementation of a new strategic project to be designed regarding the consumers' expectations. The products must be designed to tackle a priority and an essential challenge: the decrease in pork consumption and delicatessen/cured products. In this sense, Culture Viande proposed four critical areas that need the mobilisation of the sector:

  • Communication, image, promotion of pork and delicatessen/cured products;
  • Research and development, in its broadest sense;
  • Exportation: opening of the markets, promotion of French products overseas, support and help the exporters;
  • Crisis management and communication.

Friday, 16 December 2016/ Culture Viande/ France.

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