
Netherlands - Decline in use of antibiotics on livestock

The annual MARAN report, published in early April, indicates that the use of antibiotics on farm animals in the Netherlands decreased in 2008 for the first time after several years of increasing use.
27 April 2010
The annual MARAN report, published in early April, indicates that the use of antibiotics on farm animals in the Netherlands decreased in 2008 for the first time after several years of increasing use.

An international comparison shows that in most European countries studied, sales of antibiotics in 2008 were at about the same level as in 2007; but in Norway, France, and the Netherlands, sales of antibiotics were down by more than 5% in the same period. Survey figures on use of antibiotics in specific animal species in the Netherlands are more varied. These figures show a tendency towards increased use on fattening pigs, broilers, and dairy cattle, but at the same time show a drop in use on sows, piglets, and veal calves.


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